Looking to start Catalytic? Here’s a few things you might expect to happen.

1) Expect your faith in God to grow.

When God told Abraham (Abram at the time): "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you.” He didn’t tell him where he would go, he just gave him a promise that he would allow him to be a blessing to every nation.

In order for that to happen though, Abraham had to trust God with his life. Catalytic is an attempt to enter into the same faith promise that God gave to Abraham. Those that commit to going to the unreached campuses in their nation are going to places that they have never been before, unaware of what they will find. This journey of so many unknowns forces them to depend on God in new and adventurous ways, and learning to depend on God more is always a good thing.

2) Expect your faith to be challenged.

The challenge of entering into God’s work is that we don’t always know what God is doing all the time. If you have ever shared the gospel with anyone and had them reject coming to know Jesus then you understand this completely. Why wouldn’t that person say yes to Jesus? Why wouldn’t God open their eyes to see him and come to know him? We may never fully know, and not knowing is often times very frustrating.

As many have made decisions to venture out to new universities looking for places God might be working, they are most of the time looking and a lot less of the time finding, and that can be hard. But, God never asked us to always find those people that are ready for him, he just asked us to look—this is our job. Learning to trust God in the middle of a lot of looking and not a lot of finding will challenge your faith and force you to walk even more closely with God.

3) Expect to be amazed by God

Ah but God has amazed us all around the world through Catalytic ministry. The premise that somebody is ready somewhere means that God is working right now on a persons heart, and we just need to find them. To actually find that person would be a miracle, which is exactly what we should pray to God for.

Then when it happens, and you find what you have been praying to God for, there’s no other way to describe the joy than to say that it’s amazing. To meet someone, that God has been preparing, that may even have been praying to him to send someone to help them learn to reach their campus is simply amazing.

Be patient, but in time God will wow you with the plans he has been making long before you ever agreed to join him in his ministry. Expect to see God move in new and amazing ways while movements ignite all over the place. This is God’s design, and it’s what we are seeing all over the world right now.


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